A Farewell

April 23, 2003

i have a class in an hour but i'm having the worst headache right now..i think i'm just gonna stay home and lay low and save up some energy for tomorrow, which unfortunately will be a long day for me cause i need to finish my sql project.

btw, good bye to iman who's leaving for good today. hmm, ada apa nih semua orang pada balik for good? dari blogger aja ada beberapa yang udah pulang, ella , ilsa, panji. this girl is leaving soon too... blum lagi yang lain lainnya...lagi sering banget deh denger berita kalo si ini balik forgood dan si itu juga. in fact, one of my friends is going home for good next week. jakarta tambah rame aja dong yah?..:D...good luck buat semuanya yang udah make a huge decision to go home...success awaits you guys there, it doesn't come to you, but it's there, waiting for you to come and reach it...=)

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