It's been five days and I am still sick. At least, the head feels lighter now. It's just the cough that is so persistent. But at least it's a productive cough and that means I'm clearing out mucus and hopefully will get better soon. I was ready to leave the house this morning although feeling kinda feverish, Jehan was also ready with her uniform until I found out that my driver was not back yet. There was no way I could drive all the way to her school and my office :(.
Here's what I've tried so far for my cough:
Today my mom is giving me another medicine. My mom is a walking pharmacy. She has every medicine imaginable and even owns DOI (Data Obat Indonesia) book. Tsk tsk. But I'm done taking medicine. Sometimes, we just have to let it runs its course.
I'm just going to try out some home remedy today:
Here's what I've tried so far for my cough:
- A full bottle of Bisolvon Extra
- Aldisa (Dari nyokap, untuk relieve symptomps of common cold, sneezing, nazal congestion, etc). Ini waktu hari kedua aja, sih
- Neuralgin (when the headache becomes unberable)
- Degirol (tablet hisap untuk sakit tenggorokan)
- FG Troches (sama kaya Degirol)
- Imboost Force (to help the immune system)
- Peresan air jeruk panas setiap hari
- Jeruk nipis + kecap
- Eat super spicy food
- As much water as I could handle
Today my mom is giving me another medicine. My mom is a walking pharmacy. She has every medicine imaginable and even owns DOI (Data Obat Indonesia) book. Tsk tsk. But I'm done taking medicine. Sometimes, we just have to let it runs its course.
I'm just going to try out some home remedy today:
- Eat lots of grapes. I remember my mom used to tell me not to eat grapes when I have a cough, ugh that's a myth mom. In fact, grapes act as an expectorant so you want to eat a lot of it.
- Keep taking the lemon drops, replace the soysouce with honey
- Rub my chest, neck, back with Vicks VapoRub or eucalyptus oil.
- Drink hot peppermint tea (no sugar as sugar compromise your immune system)
- Drink more water as it thins out mucus
- Continue to eat spicy food (another natural expectorant)
- Try this breathing technique
- If the cough still persist until later on this afternoon I will add 2 tbs of apple cider vinegar into my lemon + honey mix.
I believe every kids in this world love Goldfish Crackers. It was Jibran's favorite snack when he was little. Too bad, in here we don't always have it. Sometimes, a few of them would pop up at Ranch Market or Kem Chick. But of course, still considered expensive. I found this recipe from Smitten Kitchen. So we decided to make it on a late Saturday afternoon in our backyard. Kids had fun making it. It's one of the easiest snack you can make. Too bad we don't have fish cookie-cutter to make it look like the real thing. But at least it's much healthier too than the store-bought ones :).

Last Friday, Affi and I was invited to speak at Prasetiya Mulya Career Week. It was an honor for us to be in the same flyer with Ligwina Hananto & Alex Sriewijono. Perjuangan sampe ke lokasi itu heboh berat. For a start, it was late Friday afternoon and there was a road construction in Cilandak. It was hellish. So we were already 15 minutes late. We decided to stop at Pondok Indah Mall and ride ojek to the campus. Since Nopai wasn't going to speak, she continued the journey driving Affi's car. So Affi left first with the first ojek we saw, and I was standing under the crossing bridge waiting for another ojek to arrive. After a few minutes, I lost hope and just walked to a nearby gentleman and asked him if the motorcycle parked there was his and if he could take me to Prasetiya Mulya :D. After a few seconds digesting what I said, he finally said yes. What funny was, when I arrived there, the talkshow hasn't even started and only 5 people in class. Nopai arrived 5 minutes later and the talkshow still hasn't started -__-. Tau gitu nggak usah ada yang naik ojek, kan?
Anyway, I don't think I'm that comfortable yet speaking in public. But I believe I'm getting better. This one was especially enjoyable because I was sharing my entrepreneurship journey since college years. There were a lot of memories, a lot of personal stories to be shared. A lot of pictures too!.
I've spoken in front of college students for a few times now (Bakrie University, Bunda Mulia University and Binus International) and the one message that I always want them to remember is; one of the biggest tasks in our life is to find what we like and to know what our strength is and what we're good at. We owe it to ourselves to recognize those.

Anyway, I don't think I'm that comfortable yet speaking in public. But I believe I'm getting better. This one was especially enjoyable because I was sharing my entrepreneurship journey since college years. There were a lot of memories, a lot of personal stories to be shared. A lot of pictures too!.
I've spoken in front of college students for a few times now (Bakrie University, Bunda Mulia University and Binus International) and the one message that I always want them to remember is; one of the biggest tasks in our life is to find what we like and to know what our strength is and what we're good at. We owe it to ourselves to recognize those.
I tell them because in my case. My life was a lot easier after I found out what my calling was and what I meant to be doing. Everything just rolls into place once I figured out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Hopefully, they will find theirs sooner than later :).

Thank you for having us and for coming to our session. Best of luck the rest of the way :)
Yes, that's what I did today :D. I rarely get sick, but when I get one....langsung nggak bisa bangun dari tempat tidur. I remember waking up at 6 to wake up Jibran, but he said he was dizzy (he said that since last night). My head was pounding too so I went back to sleep without asking him another question. And then when Oki woke me up, it was already close to 9. So Jehan missed school, too. What a perfect mom I am, huh? Jehan's mbak has been on leave for more than a week now, so my schedule has been brutal since last week.
I had 4 interviews that morning and an appointment with my trainer at 3. Sad to miss it all. But I really couldn't get out of bed. Forced my self to take a shower but then my head felt heavier each step I took. So I messaged Affi & Nopai to tell them I won't be able to come to the office. I'm so glad to have partners that can fill each partners' shoes anytime we need help.
Anyway, pas kebetulan di rumah lagi ada si mpok urut. Enak juga yah hidup pas-pasan. Pas lagi sakit, pas ada mpok urut. Kemaren pas pengen jam, eh pas dikasih ibu mertua. Pas pengen barang dari US, pas sepupu mau pulang minggu depan, *plaakk*.
Since I'm worthless today, I cannot do anything that requires my brain to work properly. I had sudden urge to clean the house, but I don't have the energy to get up and move around. Cannot sleep too because the carpenters are installing my kitchen cabinet and they are loud. So what did I do? Giving this blog a makeover :D
I changed the background color, as well as the color and format of title and comments. I deleted the ugly button I created not too long ago and just use regular labeling. I even created an ABOUT page. I feel like a professional blogger already.
Playing around with blog design always gives me this nostalgic feeling. I remember sitting in the corner of my room at West College Street, blogging and designing website with my Compaq Presario. I used a software called Adobe Dreamweaver. Little did I know that was exactly what I did. I was weaving my dream :)
I had 4 interviews that morning and an appointment with my trainer at 3. Sad to miss it all. But I really couldn't get out of bed. Forced my self to take a shower but then my head felt heavier each step I took. So I messaged Affi & Nopai to tell them I won't be able to come to the office. I'm so glad to have partners that can fill each partners' shoes anytime we need help.
Anyway, pas kebetulan di rumah lagi ada si mpok urut. Enak juga yah hidup pas-pasan. Pas lagi sakit, pas ada mpok urut. Kemaren pas pengen jam, eh pas dikasih ibu mertua. Pas pengen barang dari US, pas sepupu mau pulang minggu depan, *plaakk*.
Since I'm worthless today, I cannot do anything that requires my brain to work properly. I had sudden urge to clean the house, but I don't have the energy to get up and move around. Cannot sleep too because the carpenters are installing my kitchen cabinet and they are loud. So what did I do? Giving this blog a makeover :D
I changed the background color, as well as the color and format of title and comments. I deleted the ugly button I created not too long ago and just use regular labeling. I even created an ABOUT page. I feel like a professional blogger already.
Playing around with blog design always gives me this nostalgic feeling. I remember sitting in the corner of my room at West College Street, blogging and designing website with my Compaq Presario. I used a software called Adobe Dreamweaver. Little did I know that was exactly what I did. I was weaving my dream :)