Jibran had a 9 months doctor check up last saturday. He got one shot..but he didn't get the flu shot..it was available for high risk babies only. Jibran is not considered high risk cause he wasn't born prematurely and he doesn't go to day care..so the dr thought it would be wiser to give it to those who are more exposed to the virus..ya emang bener sih..ya mudah mudahan aja kita nggak ada yang kena flu..dan lagi kan mau pulang ke jakarta for one and a half month so we won't be exposed to the germy season as much.
Jibran sekarang beratnya udah 20 pounds (9.07 KG) at the 50th percentile and his length is 29 inches something..kurang lebih 74 cm and it falls on the 75th percentile and his head measurement falls on the 90th percentile..hehe..emang jibran bagol banget deh.. kepalanya gede bener..kalo beli topi aja untuk yang umur 1.5 sama 2 taun baru muat..hihi..nggak pa pa deh big head means big brain and big brain means smart brain..hehe..:P
I asked the dr about his gum that still remains toothless...she said not to worry about it as the later the teeth erupt..the better they are..so all good. Anyway..since Ramadhan began, Jibran has been taking 2 to 3 bottles of formula during the day..I know moms who breastfeed can be exempted from fasting but I don't wanna miss another year of fasting..and plus i'm trying to wean him off the breast anyway so I'm just gonna use this occassion to support my decision..:P. Some people stop breastfeed their childs abruptly..but I wanna do it gradually..kasian dia nya soalnya and plus i'm not ready to give it up all together..and i know i would miss it more than i thought i would when I'm finally done with it. But hey I breastfed him exclusively for the first 9 months of his life *he only gets a bottle of formula like once a week before*...and i'm so proud of that, the fact that I gave him the best he could get...never thought i could make it this far.
Anywayyy..Jibran turned 9 months last week (I'm now 9 months Tante Dinar and Tante Etha..not 8 months!!..I'm not a little baby anymore..:P)....Happy 9 Months ya Jibran sayang, It's been a sleepless wonderful and enjoyable 9 months for me, hope you feel the same way too.i wuff you!!

Watched Cavaliers Vs. Chicago Bulls game at the Savvis Center last saturday. Sshhh..don't tell anyone...but it was my first nba game..hehehe. I was happy to see a few familiar faces like drew gooden, hinrich, duhon, luong deng (sp?) that I knew from their college basketball years. After that we all went to Manda's house and even had sahur together at around 2 o'clock..and finally went home at 2.30 in the morning.
We had a permias election in the afternoon on the same day. Dinar is the new president, Etha is the new secretary and Mikie is the new treasurer..we also had an Indonesian Student Association at UMSL election at the same time..Sigit is the vp and Manda is the secretary..they both have served last year and got reelected for the new officer..and Wulan is the SGA representative. (ps:their blogs can be accessed through my exit page). Congrats to all of you..I think it's something to have a lot of people trust you to lead an organization, it says a lot about you..especially your leadership skill. More power to the girls who ocupy most of the positions..yay..*lho kok jadi feminisme gini*..hihi. Btw, Girl/Woman power is actually one bright side that we can see if Bush gets reelected..so that Hillary can run for president in 2008.
Hari minggu nya went to global food and pengajian.
Monday: Monday is not so membetekan anymore now that my class is on tuesday. got my period..so i didn't fast..bikin makanan banyak...bakwan dan tahu goreng, rendang dan es teler.
Tuesday: School day, i'm happy with my group. sebelum sekolah mampir bubble tea dulu. siangnya sempet masak2 lagi, this time is sambel tempe. Epi was home went i went back from school.
Wednesday: Stayed at home the whole day, tried to clean up the whole house...how did i get into all of these mess!?!..bikin nasi uduk..yum yum
Thursday: Jibran's school day, abis itu mungkin jalan2 ke galleria dan ke target.
ttyl everyone!
How's that for a headline after the election day next month?..;). I just watched Fahrenheit 9/11 last night..*finally..finally*..and i should say..WOW..i'm impressed with how neatly all the scenes, series, footages and soundtracks are being put together..I thought it was going to be a boring documentary..turns out I was wrong. He keeps the whole movie interesting..and the movie is a really thought provoking one. Definitely a must see for everybody despite his/her political bent or even if he/she is not into politic at all. It'll make you laugh, cry, sad and mad at the same time.
There are a lot of aspects that Michael Moore brings into the movie, from the connection between President Bush and the Saudis, to the war on Afghanistan, 9/11 attack, how the bush administration exploited 9/11 to heigthen the fear level of the public so they'll turn to their leader and allow him to do whatever it takes to make them feel safe..*and that's when the administration use it to make the people believe that the war on iraq was justified*. He was also talked about the election in Florida, the President Inauguration day *where an egg was thrown into Bush's limo*, the US military recruitment, the companies that benefit from the war and the allegation that Bush helped the family of Osama to fly out of US ater 9/11 without questioning them, etc, etc.
Some of the soldiers in Iraq were interviewed and it is disturbing to me to find out that some were so pumped up to kill those innocent people that they sing "Burn, Motherfucker, burn" while attacking them..there is also a scene when the soldiers were making fun of the hostages. I think the message that Moore wanted to convey from that scene is, when you send them into an immoral war, they, in turn will act immorally.
Moore also talked about how Bush has cut budget for veterans, and when the woman whose son died in Iraq received his son's last paycheck..it was cut for 5 days for the days he didn't show up for work, because he was dead. I couldn't believe what I just saw!!. Other scene that I found interesting was seeing the reaction of President Bush when he was told that the nation is under attack. He just sit there, somewhere in florida kindergarten and continued on reading the story to the children for seven minutes. Don't you think a normal president would act immediately, excuse himself and tend to the most important matter of this country?? Didn't he want to know what exactly was going on, make a plan or whatever it was that he had to do??..Something is seriously wrong with him...and I hope the american will send his sorry ass back to texas next month.
For me personally, watching the movie makes me feel like i have finally found the validation that i've been looking for, he puts into context and connects all of the bits and pieces that I've only seen and heard abstractly. Sure, the movie may have been fabricated and some are probably misleading but at least there are footage of documents and interviews and news reports to back it up. Besides, I've come to realize that no matter how deep you look into, you can never find the truth about all of these..so I decide to just believe what makes sense to me..and the movie does make sense to me...and plus one thing that no one can argue is that the basic premise is true that Bush has led the american into an illegal war. Sadam was not a threat, even Condoleezza Rice (national security advisor) admitted that in the summer of 2001 and that you will never find the weapon of mass destruction in Iraq.

Hehe..took quite a few pictures last weekend at the creve couer lake..and i'm so pleased with the results..should've taken more pictures!! By the way, I think I screwed up on my exam last night...it was unbelievably hard...well it was final exam..what do you expect??..i have accumulated 92% before the exam..so I need at least 88% on the exam to get a freaking A out of this class..but..I don't think I'll get anywhere near 88..poor lil old me..=(. New class begins next week..and it's the CAPSTONE class..oh my god..there's gonna be sooo much work..sooo many group meetings involved, research conducted, etc..etc!!
On a happier note though...guess what I received in the mail yesterday?!?....Boarding passes fo the 3 of us...leaving on Dec 9 and coming back on January 22...can'twaitcan'twait!!!
Dreamhost.com is having a huge sale to celebrate their 7th birthday. They give away 777 acounts for just $0.77 per month!!..that equals to $9.24 per year (800 MB and other fancy features)..and plus the domain is free. I couldn't resist that...i mean..who could?!?!..The original price is $119.40 per year..so that's a lot of saving right there. This is perfect for someone who wants to have a domain but don't know if it will be useful or not...even if you won't be using it that much..at least it kills your curiousity.. and also it's not a bad idea to secure the domain that you want..cause domain is like men...all the good ones are taken!!. I wanted to repurchase my azalia.org but someone already purchased it last may..so hanzky.com it is!!
It's gloomy here in st. louis, probably because Bush is here??..hehe...the presidential debate takes place here in St. louis, in Washington University to be exact. Bush and John Kerry have arrived last night..and they will be here until tomorrow. I missed their first debate session..I heard Kerry kicked Bush azz..hope he'll do it again tonight.
Anyway..I just got a new niece last week..her name is Affra. Her mom was actually my highschool friend..isn't it kinda weird that one of your friends becomes your sister in law??..I haven't met her since she officially became my sister in law though..so I don't really know how it feels. The baby must be really pretty cause she got a good gene on her, her parents are both good looking people..the mom was one of the Femina girls..and the dad was one of the abang jakarta who came out as the audience's favorite one. Anyway..congratulation for them..hope they enjoy the baby as much as I enjoy Jibran..=))..
Got to continue my study now..i have 3 chapters (out of 8) to go...Have a fabulous weekend everyone!!
Jibran is catching a cold, his nose is so stuffy that sometimes it makes him hard to breath through his little nose and he also makes some grunting noises when sleeping..but he is still a happy camper though..so i'm not too worry. I've rubbed his chest with vicks, gave him the oceans spray..and i will do the vapor bath tonight. If his stuffy nose is still not clearing up by tomorrow that means he has to miss school...but we can make it up another day...!!. I don't feel good either, my throat is sooo sore and my eyes are a bit watery...i took tylenol last night and just now..hopefully this doesn't get worse..cause i can't afford to get sick..not now..not with the final exam coming up next monday!! Maybe i should just get a flu shot..oh well..stay healthy everyone..don't let the flu bugs bite!
udah upload foto2nya banyak tapi kok nggak keluar keluar yah...lagi error sepertinya, cuma dua ini aja bisa upload lewat MT, tapi kalo semuanya lewat situ sih ribeetttt...!!..Crita2 nya menyusul ya!!
It's exactly 6 hours to Indo Night..I still have to go to Kinkos, print all the backstage passes and go to office max to get the string and some other stuff...but the car is acting up..the battery went dead..of all the days..WHY TODAYY??...ergggh...!!..Dendre just left for auto zone with manda...maybe i should just get a quick nap..we got home at 2.30 in the morning and only slept for a mere hours...i think i'm getting sick...mana sekarang udah dingin lagi udaranya. .anywayy..wish us luck!!..i should be back with lots of photos from the event. Have a good weekend everybody!!