August 29, 2002

Tadinya mau ke galleria mall untuk ngambil Meteor Garden VCD, penasaran....pingin tau kaya apa sih film yang sampe segitu di hebohin orang orang se-indonesia...*jangan2 ntar gue malah ikut2 an lagi..hihi*. Tapi ternyata si susi lupa bawa vcdnya, ya suuu. Last night was my first class as a grad student..*woohooo*..I'm only taking one class this term (1 term = 8 weeks)..i'm taking it slow cause i still have to take the GMAT some times next month. I am only allowed to take the first term without the GMAT so if i don't have it by the end of this term..i’m sure they are gonna kick me out without delay. Anyway, my class was in Edward Jones classroom, tee hee...I was excited when I found out that they coded the classroom not by the room numbers, but by the name of the companies who has given donations to build it. Jadi kelas kelasnya ada Boeing classroom, Citi Corp. classroom, Kellwood Classroom, A.G Edwards classroom, TWA classroom, etc. Too bad they don't have AcNielsen classroom like Duke University...cause it's one of the companies that I’m dying to work for. Kalo librarynya namanya Monsanto library, gedung School of Businessnya..namanya Anheuser-Busch Center trus ada McDonnell Douglas Board room, etc..lucu juga ya.

But sadly that's the only thing that excited me last night cause I wasn't too excited when I found out that I was the minority in the class...not because i was the only international student but because I was the only fresh graduate there!!. The rest of them were like middle level managers who have had a few years of managerial experiences in Fortune 500 companies...the youngest was 28 years old..sedangkan gue masih jauh dari segitu..!! Ada yang kerja di Lucent technology, Ericsson, MasterCard, Boeing, Edward Jones, etc...and since this class is about analyzing issues of moral and ethical principles in work environment..jadi ya the more experienced the student, the more he/she can participates in the discussions..huhu..i don't know if i'm gonna be able to fit in..trus bingungnya pas ada project nanti..i wonder if anyone's want to team up with me since i am so inexperienced!!!. Sebenernya sih kelasnya nggak susah susah banget, nggak ada testnya..cause it's gonna be hard to grade since there's no right or wrong answer in here's all based on your moral standards, paling ada quiz aja in each session and there are two presentations, an individual presentation and a group presentation. Eh tapi susah juga sih...soalnya if your overall grade is 92% it still considered a B!!!...damn..what's up with that??..biasanya dimana mana 90% juga udah A!! Oh well..

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