Thank GOD It's Friday

March 04, 2005

Akhirnyaaaa hari Jum'at dateng juga, I've been waiting for the weekend to come cause it's March Madness Weekend Babyyy. Salukis finished the conference game in style and came up as the number one seed in the conference, so we'll get to play the first game on saturday at savvis center against whoever wins friday night game (it's either Bradley University or Indiana State). We're now in the Top 25, sitting at the last rank but that's fine caused it's nationwide!!..woohooo...

Anyway..this week has not been a smooth week for me. It was started on Sunday night (pass midnite) when Jibran was suddenly threw up all over the bed that we all had to get up, washed him, changed his clothes, changed my t-shirt, changed the pillow and bed cover. Jibran rarely throws up, kayanya semenjak lahir baru 3 kali deh dia vomit gitu..and it smelled like cheese cause he ate lots of cheese in the afternoon, we had lunch at Old Spaghetti Factory where he ate some of my food, so maybe it's the cheese or something, mungkin yang di pake special kind of cheese yang mungkin belum cocok untuk di makan Jibran kali yaa. Anyway, jadi pas hari senennya Jibrannya lemes...didn't want to eat anything, he didn't even want to drink his milk, but thank god there wasn't any vomiting scene lagi sih.

But I was the one who didn't feel good the next day (tuesday)..i got hit with a was soo bad that I couldn't do much of anything..Errghhhh I hate migraine. Rabunya dua2nya baik2 aja tapi pas jam 5 sore Jibran had a bowel movement and it was a lot and very wateryy...and he had another two BMs before 9 o'clock..poor baby...i don't know what could be the cause..he ate just about the same thing he eats everyday. So I was afraid to give him any food and he seemed to lost his appetite too..I gave him lots of water and a few sips of pedialyte..thank god he hasn't had any BM anymore up until now, but his appetite is still low and he doesn't drink that much milk..langsung keliatan pipinya kalo kurusan..padahal baru aja gemukan lagi sejak balik dari jakarta....

Sekarang Jibrannya lagi napping, he's down to one nap a day now, kadang masih 2 kali sih tapi jaraang...seringnya cuma sekali from 1 to 3 o'clock. Minumnya udah 100% whole milk..dan sekarang babblingnya tambah sering dan lebih kedengeran seperti real words, only in french or maybe finnish..hehe. Intonasi nya juga beda2 kalo dia lagi ngomong in his happy mood sama kalo lagi kesel atau marah2 gitu. Kata dokternya sih karena kita ngomong ke Jibran in 2 different it might slows him down a bit at first in the speaking area. But it is better for him in the long will make him smarter cause it improves brain activity and he will have more vocabulary, better sentence structure and comprehension skills later on. Dan katanya juga sih menurut research, children who brought up learning two languages score higher on standardized test. We'll see lah...

Hmm..apalagi yaah, nanti sore kalo jadi mau botakin rambutnya Jibran..hihi..abisnya kalo gondrong sedikit suka di jambak2in sama dia. I will post picture of his new 'do later......!!!.

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  1. Baby J, cepet sehat ya.. biar bisa main2 lagi.Han, Aurora juga belom jelas ngomongnya nih.. intonasi sih udah macem2, ada nada objection, ada nada setuju juga. Dia juga rasanya bingung sama bahasa, makanya telat ngomongnya. Kompakan nih.. toss dulu donk.. yay ;)

  2. *tosss*....hehehe.. Jibran 2 hari ini sih makannya udah banyak banget..mudah2an sih seterusnya yaa...
