Another Milestone :)

January 14, 2011

I got a phone call from TVone on Tuesday evening, asking me to appear on its Coffee Break program the next morning where they will talk about social media and online business. I asked a few questions first before I said yes. Of course, I was excited :D but I just didn't think much after the phone calls because I had a lot to do.

The next morning, when I arrived at Epicentrum Walk, saw the set and received quite a few BBM, Twitter mention and phone calls from family congratulating me, wishing me luck and telling me how proud they are of me, that's when it finally hit me this is something big. I will be appearing live on a major national TV for something I've been pouring my heart out for the last few years. My eyes began to feel moist..but then the make up artist distracted me :D

So there...I did it :D. Thanks to my sister who captured it for me so at least I have an idea on how it looks from the other side :).

As usual, every time something extraordinary happens I always wish my dad was here. I hope they set you up with a plasma TV up there, Dad..and I sure hope you're proud of me!

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