Oke Dehhhh….

September 08, 2008

That’s Jibran new words of the day..:D. He’s been saying new words lately like atas, bawah, makan, tidur, sepatu, mandi, kecoa, susu, abis and trying to put them into sentence. When he just finished his milk this afternoon he told me that “My susu is abis”.  Tadi dia juga bilang “I like donat kamphung”..cinca lawra style..hehehe.

He understands Indonesian better too now, I’m amazed at his emotional intelligence and his adaptation skill. He doesn’t have problem in his new school, in fact he enjoyed it since day one eventhough he didn’t understand what his friends were talking about. Dari hari pertama juga udah ditinggal aja di sekolah nggak pake ditungguin. Tapi kasian Jibran ternyata paling kurus di sekolahnya…hihi..ya abis temen temennya masih asik minum formula sih.

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