Just a Little Update

November 13, 2001

wow, it's been a while since i've been here..more than a month i guess, i've been meaning to stop by here and dish some of my thoughts..but..i don't know..it's not like i don't have enough time..i always online anyway, it's just..i can't just log in and start typing...i think i need to be in the specific mood or something. It's weird..i think i kind of scary to open up about my self..not that i'm afraid somebody will find out because no one's know this address, but..it's just kinda scary to me to figure out about my self, to dig out my feelings and all that..it gives me this eerie feeling whenever i start writing in here....what's wrong with me??. I hope this just because i don't write here regularly...i guess i'll have to make it a habit to come here...

Mom called and guess what...we talked about me..about me and nduti, about my plan and all that...i forgot how it started, the conversation just flow like that. Yupe, i told her that i think i've found somebody i wanna be married to and that i wanna do it soon..maybe in a year or two ..the faster the better. She said that if that's what i want..she's fine with that..but she said she needs more time to get to know nduti and his family better..she knows that they are nice and all that..but that's not enough you know, we're talking about a long life relationship here and if i get married with him that means he's gonna be my mom's son and vice versa. She also said that what she really wants is for me to have a man who is a good muslim, knows a to z about islam and implement the religion on day to day basis, she said that if he is obedient to the religion then it will guarantee him to be a good man for his wife and for the family. Nduti..i guess you know what to do now..!!..hehe..

huh..i have finance quiz tomorrow and i haven't even started..i know i'm a proscastinator..big time proscastinator. i'm so happy with my finance class..i got 83 for the second exam...yey..=)...i know i know..that's after a whole lot bonus points..but still...!.I had 2 exams today and i didn't do good..i got 80 for both of them...mktg 329 and mgmt 318. I think i'm fine with mktg 329..i think i can get an A out of this class..but for mgmt 318..hmm..i thought i could get an A easily..but then the test is actually getting harder and harder and i barely make it to class..! I need a 92 for the last test so i could get an A overal..i hope i can make it..i just need to be more prepared!.

Hmm..what else..i had a lot in mind last week..from my annoying toothache to ASAF and else...!. .i can go on and on about all this...i gotta brush my teeth..and decide what i'm gonna do after that...is it better to sleep early and wake up early tomorrow to study for my quiz..or..study till late and wake up close to 9..?..hmm..i don't know..i think i'll go with option number 1...hehe..seeyaa!

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