Eco-Friendly Fashion

March 16, 2016

''Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want".

Shopping at Wasteland, LA with Sari earlier this year. I was wearing Picnic trench coat and Nikicio blouse

Ini lanjutan dari postingan tentang The True Cost of Fashion.  Jadi setelah nonton filmnya dan mikirin terus quote di atas, yang juga ada di postingan sebelumnya, saya jadi tertohok banget sih. Dan nggak berhenti mikir apakah saya selama ini, secara tidak langsung, supporting hal-hal yang sebenarnya saya juga nggak setuju dan nggak mau support? Do I want to support company who doesn't care about the planet that we are living in? Do I want to support company whose workers are very lowly paid and work in horrible condition despite the high-rise profits the company is making? Do I want to wear something that I know have left an awful footprints in each stage of the production? This makes me cringe. I feel really terrible and so irresponsible.

Sebenernya, saya nggak sesering itu sih belanja high street brands karena menurut saya harganya juga nggak murah-murah banget, especially for the quality that they are offering. I have quite a mix wardrobe. Tapi memang ya, shopping high-street brands itu convenient banget. All you need to do is just go to the nearest mall and one store will have everything you need from office wear to cocktail dress to casual outfits. If I need something quick, the high-street brands will come to the rescue :(.

So where do I shop?

My own store! 2009 - 2010
  • I buy local brand a lot dari mulai Cotton Ink, Nikicio, Picnic, (X)SML, Dian Pelangi, Ria Miranda dan merek-merek yang ada di Goods Dept. These local brands are getting better and more mature, design-wise. Udah keliatan signature stylenya and you know you are not getting the same thing somewhere else. Jumlah produksi juga nggak banyak-banyak banget jadi risiko untuk samaan dengan orang lain lebih sedikit lah. Lagipula bagus kan untuk support local brands dan entrepreneurship. 
  • Second-hand! Dari dulu waktu tinggal di Perth tahun 98 saya senang belanja di thrift store di Hay Street. Dan ini dilanjutkan waktu tinggal di Amerika. Hobi banget lah liat-liat thrift store dan garage sale. Makanya waktu pulang ke Indonesia juga sempet buka second hand shop dengan konsep buy, sell, swap di Bangka. Tapi hanya bertahan satu tahun karena nggak bisa bagi waktu antara Closet Quickies dan Female Daily. Waktu awal-awal pulang pun saya beberapa kali ke Pasar Senen atau Pasar Baru untuk liat baju-baju second dan vintage. Seru loh belanja baju yang harganya 10ribuan aja..haha, bisa beli sekoper! Belanja di Female Daily Market Plaza juga sering banget pastinyaaa, beberapa kali kami bikin bazaar dan garage sale juga. Pas ke LA kemaren nyempetin mampir ke Wasteland di Melrose Avenue sama Sari. Lumayan dapat jaketnya Stella McCartney dan atasan kulit J Brand. Di Jakarta sering banget kok sekarang garage sale, jadi kalo mau selalu ada pilihan. Nggak perlu gengsi lah, you are doing something good for the environment and for your wallet :D
  • I buy designer clothes at specialty stores with a very discounted price, harganya jadi lebih murah kok dibanding baju-baju new arrival high-street labels. Kalo lagi jalan-jalan ke luar negri banyak banget sih outlet-outlet atau toko-toko kaya Marshall, Neiman Marcus Last Call, Nordstrom Rack, Off 5th Avenue, TJ Maxx, eBay dan lain sebagainya. Kalau rajin mau ngaduk-ngaduk pasti dapat banyak good deals deh. Designer clothes, especially when it's at a discount, worth to buy lah karena memang craftmanshipnya bagus. Dan mereka kan nggak setiap 2 minggu ada model baru, paling 2-3 kali setahun so they are not compromising process and quality in the production dan footprints nya juga nggak banyak.
So that's how I shop most of the time. I fail sometimes especially when...

  • I need to attend event with a dress code that I don't have, apalagi kalo waktunya mepet. Contohnya baru-baru ini saya jadi narasumber di acara launchingnya Lotte Choco Pie dan harus pakai baju maroon dan beige dan saya cuma punya 24 jam untuk dapetin bajunya. Jadi, nggak ada pilihan lah.
  • Kids clothes. Ya sudah lah ya kalo baju anak kecil semakin susah lagi pilihannya.
  • Pants. Selama ini masih belum nemu celana yang enak dari brand lokal. Ada sih celana panjang dari The Executives dan kulot dari Cotton Ink. Tapi memang pilihannya terbatas banget. Well, at least kita kan jarang ya beli celana, nggak sesering beli atasan.
  • Sportswear. Ini memang belum nemu merek lokal sih, lagipula I love my Nike and Lululemon way too much :D. 
Kalau akhirnya saya harus beli dari high-street labels, biasanya saya check dulu produksinya di mana. karena sepertinya beda produksi pembuatan, beda juga sikon pabriknya. Kalo Indonesia masih manusiawi banget kayanya ya? Paling enggak waktu liat liputan Sritex sih bagus banget tempatnya dan nyaman sikon kerjanya.  Tapi kalau Bangladesh, Vietnam, India mendingan nggak usah aja daripada dihantui rasa bersalah. 

I'm quite proud with my achievement so far as I haven't been shopping to the high-street labels for the past 5 months, except for the two times that I didn't have any choice. Lebih tenang rasanya hidupnya..haha dan nggak buang-buang waktu juga karena kalo misalnya ke mall udah nggak ngerasa perlu ngecheck 'lagi ada apa ya yang lucu' soalnya tau nggak akan beli anyway. Mudah-mudahan bisa bertahan terus dan mudah-mudahan nggak ada outerwear yang keren-keren cause God knows it's my ultimate weakness -__-.

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  1. I'm new to eco-friendly brands and products, I found instagram account @ecoage pretty good to give brief explanation about stuff. One example is about the microfibres which comes from daily exercise outfits polluting the sea water more than so-banned micro-beads from facial wash and other cosmetic products.

  2. I knew Eco Age from Emma Watson recent updates about her 'Beauty and the Beast' promotional activity outfits. I've been following her so-called green movement since years ago (Harry Potter era) through People Tree (fair trade). Last year my interest started again when seeing her Met Gala dress that supported sustainability since it could be re-worn many times and made from reusable products.
    Reading your articles about how we become our idol's rival, well, I don't think I am now able to be competitor of her movement. I'm aspiring to be one, though. At least being a non-celebrity or someone who hasn't give big influence yet, I consider myself win the frugal living lifestyle area tee-hee
