My #FitNFab Journey with Nike
May 10, 2015
When it comes to exercise, I'm not as consistent as I would like it to be. There are weeks when I can workout 3-4 times, but then there are times when I barely drop a sweat for 3 weeks straight. But you know what always keep me in check to hit the gym, aside from my growing waistline? It's Nike Indonesia! I've been fortunate to be involved in many of their programs since late last year. There's no feeling more energized and more positive than being surrounded with these fit and strong girls! They really do make me want to be healthier and leaner.
Now let me walk down memory lane from the first activity with Nike.
Gearing up for NTC Singapore
Arrived in Singapore for NTC. Read the whole story in Female Daily.
What greeted me when I arrived in Singapore. By the way, if you go to Singapore. Try the Sofitel So hotel.
Another surprise when I entered the room after Barre class.

The FIERCE tribe. We were grouped with other Nike Women from the region.
Of course, our own Master Trainer was also on stage with the Global Master Trainer Marie Purvis.
500 women doing NTC at the Dome in Gardens By The Bay. It was soo much FUN!
#BajakJakarta. 10K OMG I couldn't believe I did. Only for NIKE!
Nike SPA Day on Valentine's Day. The invitation came with red rose you would think they will be pampering me with SPA treatment. Nope, turned out SPA stands out for Speed, Power & Agility. We all had to run from Plaza Senayan to Pacific Place, did an NTC at Ritz Carlton and ended the activity with Yoga.
Nike Women. Feel free to match the face to the names in the picture above :p.
#NTCTourJakarta 800 hundreds women were gathered in ICE, BSD City. It was a half day event full of all kinds of workout. I was looking forward to this day but somehow I was feverish so I just sat around in the VIP area and joined the low impact workout, Yoga!
Didn't stay until the end during #NTCtourjakarta but I caught Marie Purvis by the entrance. So just had to take picture :).
So, that's it so far! I can't wait to see what else Nike Indonesia has in store for us girls in the near future.