May 21, 2006

mitch asked morrie if he is ever afraid to grow old. then morrie said, "mitch, i embrace aging. it's very simple. as you grow, you learn more. if you stayed at twenty-two, you'd always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two. aging is not just decay, you know. it's growth. it's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's also the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it."

But if aging were so valuable, why do people always say, "oh if i were young again." you never hear people say, "oh if i were sixty-five."

then morrie smiled and said, "you know what that reflects? unsatisfied lives. unfulfilled lives. lives that haven't found meaning. because if you've found meaning in your life, you don't want to go back. you want to go forward. you want to see more, do more. you can't wait until sixty-five.

-tuesdays with morrie. p.118

i'm 27 today..=))

do i want to go back and rewind a few years? NO thank you, sure there were things that i know i could've done differently, but then it would change the dynamic of my life and i might end up living a completely different life. i like where i am right now and i can't wait to see what the future holds for me and my family.
does that mean i can't wait until sixty-five?? AbSo-FreAkIng-LuTelY NOT!!!!...:D

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  1. haniiii... happy birthdaaayyy!!! damn, gue telat.. pantesan dari kemaren gue mikir.. kayaknya minggu2 ini ada yang ultah deh.. sapaaa yaaa?? i guess i cannot rely on my brain to remember everyone's birthday now. dulu gue lebih percaya ama memori gue dibandingkan journal untuk ngingetin someone's birthday.. i guess sekarang ga bisa tergantung banget ama memory gue nih.. heheh.anyhoo.. knapa jadi ttg gue ya?happy birthday yaa han... all the best wishes for you deh!! hope you had a great birthday...

  2. mbaaaaaaa... umur boleh 27 semangat masih tetep 17 dong? hehehehehe..can't wait to see y'all this weekend!

  3. haniiii....happy belated bday yah sayyyy....padahal gue kemaren inget elo ultah. gue ke mixed ama 5 orang lainnya hahaha...gila bulan may rame bener ama y ultah. hari ini juga ada, kemaren ada. tgl 17 kmrn juga ada. 14 juga. besok juga. including my hubby bday sabtu ini tgl 27 usual, all the best wishes for you yah say....mwah mwah mwah....big hugs

  4. Wah uda tau dari kemaren2 koq mbak... liat di multiply jadinya uda tau kalo ultah, trus hanna juga tulis happy birthday sista di msn messengernya... berhubung ga tau no telp nya, jadinya posting aja di blog hehehehe... Wish all the best deh pokoknya ;)

  5. happy birthday sweetie...wish you all the best in life, barakallah. smoga tetep jd ibu yg cool utk G-ban ('n adek2nya tentyu hihi) 'n smoga tambah wise & dewasa (you know, I admire you for these 2 things =D). mo dikirimin kue ulang taun gak dr sini? hehe. Luv U, happy birthday again...kul sanna wenti tayyeba =)

  6. happy birthday han! bonne anniversaire!!! many many happy returns! :)

  7. selamat ulang tahun! semoga dapat yang terbaik dalam hidup. amin. btw, ultah mu sama dengan ultah orang tua perempuanku ;)

  8. shinta: try say, hehehe....makasih wishesnya yaa....=)wulan: iya dong teteup harus HIP...hehehe..(hipoopo maksudnya..)ella: makasih ya la'...untung aja gue di sini kan la coba kalo gue di jakarta juga bisa bangkrut lo beliin kado semua orang, hehehe..budi: i seee....hehe, makasih banyak ya bud..=))ria: ria sayang, yang wise dan dewasa itu elo, bukan gue....=)...makasih yaa doanya, amin amin amiiin...ninit: makasiyy niniiit....=)snmp: makasiiy makasiyy....siapakah orang tua perempuan mu itu...calon ibu mertua kah?..heheh.
