playground time

April 22, 2005

we went to this small playground in front of our apt complex this afternoon...baru sekali tuh kesana jalan kaki..cape juga dorong strollernya Jibran soalnya nanjak jalannya..hehe. Jibran seperti biasa lah seneng banget kalo di ajak ke play area gitu. Baru liat playgroundnya dari jauh aja udah teriak2 kesenengan..

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  1. Haduuuuh... lucu banget sih ekspresinya. Hahahahaha.... Pa kabar bu....

  2. Jibraaann .. kowe tak uyel2 kene, cah bagus ... ibumu ora ngerti aku ngomong opo, neng bapakmu palingan ngerti... hehehe ..Since when you get bald Jib??? .. Are you trying to get the army look altogether heh? :)

  3. Jibby looks ndut ya di foto?? Jibran, I love your beer (oops...milk) belly!!!! Miss you already. Mwah...mwah..Love always,Your Tante Etha ;)

  4. ya amplop.. ganteng amat si Jibran..gemes dehhh..
